Tryggr first means we put the needs of our community before our egos. That sounds simple but we realize it is a big ask. It does help to create a community of people who have each other's backs.
That is expressed in a lot of different ways. Sharing sillyness, helping eachother in game, with homework, home improvement or even raising kids. It's also in our "simple" acceptence of eachother and in "just" listening. Sometimes just being there and listening is enough. We are proud of our community for this.
Tryggr first doesn’t mean we try to restrict or force anything on our members, nor do we expect Tryggr to be your only online home. It does mean that in Tryggr, or when speaking as a Tryggr member we expect you to keep the community's goals and values front of mind.
Our members will always come first before any outsider. Our Community Managers and Council will always aim to act in Tryggr's best interest. Putting Tryggr first.
"Don’t shit where you eat" might seem like a no-brainer after "Tryggr First", especially as we all know it’s not smart to bite the hand that feeds you. So we feel this should be a given.
However this is an online community, with members from across the globe. We sometimes feel more free to say things to each other online than we would ever say to someones face. In some cases that is a good and wonderful thing, in others not so much.
This rule is here to remind people that causing bad blood internally or burning bridges with fellow members is counter to our community's goals. You don’t have to like everybody equally. We don’t all have to agree, but we can and should have enough mutual respect or at the very least be mature and mannered enough to debate our differences without flying of in a fury, or slinging insults.
As a community, the goal is to create an environment that every member can enjoy, and where camaraderie is the norm, not the exception. That also means that the most divisive subjects are offlimits in the discord (politics & religion). So please, don’t shit where you eat.
Tryggr was originally created as a Viking-themed community for an online MMORPG. With all that, that implies. A big part of the appeal was that we would be a PvP-heavy crew.
We understand not everyone wants to actively participate in PvP and even the most hardened PvP’er appreciates healing and better gear. So no matter how you want to play a game with Tryggr, pick the type of gameplay that brings you the most joy. We'll happily support you.Whether that is swinging a battleaxe as wildly as you can, digging up the best ore, or crafting the perfect sword, you do you.
We only ask that whatever your playstyle, when it comes to defending yourself, each other, and what is ours, you pick up a pointy (or blunt) implement of your choice and have at it.
Training and practice will be provided as a shortcut for those who don’t want to figure out all the PvP mechanics themselves by those who do revel in it. In games, as in life, you only have what you can hold. This is why we ask each member to learn to "stick em with the pointy end".
We formed up back in 2016 around a Kickstarter game called Chronicles of Elyria. Where we were an established Kingdom for the EU server with several Dukes, Counts, and Barons ready to brave the world of Elyria as a functioning Kingdom. Unfortunately that game is unlikely to ever be completed.
Many communities that formed up around this idea fell apart when the studio building the game did.
This wasn't true for Tryggr.
Tryggr is an old Norse word, it means trusty/true/faithful. We are definitely that, especially to each other.
We've been through ups and downs together and we've grown as a community, not just in numbers but closer to one another.
As such we have come to establish somewhat of a family together, one that sees that we each succeed in our own endeavors inside and out of games to build our bonds and trust in one another. Hence our motto, Tryggr First!
Our main hub, it should come as no surprise to any gamer, is on Discord. Our discord is an online home to many of us.
You can find people playing games together, geeking out together, discussing games, books, movies, art, literature, science or just how drunk they got on their night out.
Two things are banned as topics of discussion in our discord overall. Religion and Politics which should not be involved in our communities main channels. One exception is for Dumpsterfire where anything except hate speech and the disrespect of your fellow members may go. Not because we dislike politics or religion, but because these two subjects are most likely to cause a divide between folks. We're a gaming community which means working together as a team is essential for success in any venture. A house divided against itself will never succeed.
We can proudly say that we have folks from all walks of life among our membership. Our members come from all over the world.
We have a strict policy about not judging people by the colour of their skin, the country of their birth, their religion, politics, gender or who they choose to love.
Anyone picking on someone based on any of the above will be dealt with swiftly.
We honestly don't care if you identify as an orange apache helikopter pastafarian. We do care how you treat your fellow Tryggr members.